About Council


On 10 November 2021 The Council for Gender Equality of the University of Tuzla was formed by the decision of the Senate University in Tuzla No. 03-6078-1-2 / 21 and a seven-member Council was appointed for the term of four years.


Email contact of the Council for Gender Equality:  rodnaravnopravnost@unitz.ba


Prof.dr. Jasmina Husanović Pehar  

1. Jasmina Husanović Pehar, Full Professor
Coordinator of the Council for Gender Equality
Contact email: jasmina.husanovic@unitz.ba
Biography: http://www.ff.untz.ba/index.php?page=dr-sc-jasmina-husanovic


Prof. dr. Vesna Bratovčić  

2. Dr. Vesna Bratovčić, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for International Relations and Member of the Council for Gender Equality
Contact email: vesna.bratovcic@unitz.ba
Biography: http://erf.untz.ba/web/wpcontent/uploads/2017/05/vesnabratovcic.pdf


Prof.dr. Damir Arsenijević  

3. Dr. Damir Arsenijević, Full Professor, Member of the Council for Gender Equality
Contact email: damir.arsenijevic@unitz.ba
Biography: http://www.ff.untz.ba/index.php?page=dr-sc-damir-arsenijevic


Prof.dr. Dzeneta Omerdić  

4. Dr. Dženeta Omerdić, Associate Professor, Member of the Council for Gender Equality
Contact email: dzenetaomerdic@gmail.com
Biography: http://pf.untz.ba/dokumenti/cv/dzeneta-omerdic.pdf


Prof.dr. Ljubica Tomić  

5. Dr. Ljubica Tomić SelimovićAssociate Professor, Member of the Council for Gender Equality
Contact email: ljubica.tomic@unitz.ba
Biography: http://www.ff.untz.ba/index.php?page=dr-sc-ljubica-tomic-selimovic


Prof.dr. Melinda Botalić  

6. Melinda Botalić, Assistant Professor, Member of the Council for Gender Equality
Contact email: melinda.botalic@unitz.ba
Biography: http://www.ff.untz.ba/index.php?page=mr-sc-melinda-botalic


Prof.dr. Nadja Salkić  

7. Nađa Salkić, bachelor prava, članica Vijeća za rodnu ravnopravnost
Contact email: nada.salkic92@gmail.com
Human Resources Assistant, https://test1.untz.ba/index.php?page=sluzbe


